Dental Sealants

Sealants in Seattle, Washington

In addition to brushing and flossing at home, it’s advisable to consider sealants in Seattle, Washington. Sealants are a preventive measure to protect molars from tooth decay. Our dentist near you can apply this protective coating to your back teeth as a means of keeping cavities from forming by guarding the surface of teeth against bacteria, acid, and other forms of decay.

Sealants are especially important for children and their oral health. They significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay, which enhances long-term protection against cavities. To learn more about sealants in Seattle, Washington, Dr. Tanner provides professional dental advice, examinations, and procedures.

How Do Sealants Work?

Molars often retain food particles in their crevices and can be difficult to clean thoroughly with just brushing. This remaining food breaks down into acid, which causes the surface of these back teeth to decay and results in cavities. By covering molars with sealants, your dentist can help reduce the risk of such cavities from forming. This is especially beneficial for children as their back teeth push through the gums.

During your appointment, Dr. Tanner will apply the sealant coating to the grooves of your molars and use a special instrument to ensure it hardens and adheres to the tooth. Over time, sealants can be reapplied if necessary.

Protection and Prevention

Sealants protect teeth from material that causes decay. This protection can save time and money in reducing the risk of cavities and dental treatments such as fillings. In addition, sealants can be applied over surface areas that may show signs of early decay. This prevents further damage to the tooth.

As part of your overall oral health, it’s important to consult a dentist in Seattle, Washington. Sealants are an excellent means of preventing tooth decay, maintaining oral health, and avoiding serious dental problems in the future. Thankfully, Seattle Sound Dental provides excellent general dentistry care and treatment, including sealants. If you are ready to make an appointment, call Dr. Tanner for scheduling.

Dr. Tanner is ready to provide professional dental treatment and preventive measures such as sealants. Seattle Sound Dental is available to book appointments for your oral health needs.

Contact Seattle Sound Dental for information about getting sealants near you.

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